“Caring for You after The Funeral”
Thank you for the confidence you have placed in our family funeral home to help you through the coming days. Please be assured that we will do everything possible to care for your immediate needs and also anticipate some of your concerns for the days ahead.
Our service to you continues after the funeral, without additional cost. We call this program “Family Care” and its sole purpose is to help survivor’s resolve some of the practical matters that can be most difficult after the loss of a loved one.
The list below will give you an idea of the ways in which we are prepared to help. Our practice is to arrange for a time to meet with you within a week after the funeral. And, because we know there will be many things on your mind, you need only plan for an hour or so.
Canada Pension and Old Age Security
Application for lump sum death benefit and survivor income continuance
Retirement and Pensions
Private, provincial, or federal application for survivor benefits
Application for life insurance benefits and updating beneficiaries on existing policies as well as continuance of health insurance
Credit Card Cancellation
Contacting companies as needed plus some advice about card cancellations
Bank Account Updates
Adding names (of children or other survivors) and confirming bank procedures for closing an account including helpful information about joint accounts
We know that much will be demanded of you in the months ahead.
Our sincere desire is to help in ways that are meaningful and lasting.
You can count on the integrity and confidentiality of our Family Care Counsellor as part of our commitment to you.